Want to use augmented reality to market your company? Be prepared to pay up. The attention-grabbing campaigns don't come cheap. Here are three of the companies behind several recent promotions.


Locations: New York City and Los Angeles
Recent major project: A promotion for Penguin Books and its Vampire Academy novels. A teenager could go online and take a snapshot of herself with her webcam. Then, when she held the book up to her webcam, her photo seemed to magically appear on the book's cover on her computer screen.
Cost: $30,000 to $150,000 per campaign


Locations: Headquartered in Munich, with offices in San Francisco
Recent major project: A campaign for Lego in which the company set up kiosks with a video camera and television screen inside toy stores. When a customer held a Lego box in front of the camera, a completed, 3-D version of the Lego kit appeared to float above the box on the screen.
Cost: $30,000 to $200,000 per campaign

Total Immersion