Ready to try air-filled chocolate? Paul Pruett sure hopes so. He is the co-founder and CEO of Bubble Chocolate, a Salem, Massachusetts–based company that makes aerated chocolate bars. The hundreds of tiny air bubbles in each bar create an unusual texture. Pruett got hooked on aerated chocolate about a decade ago, while attending business school in England, where the confection is ubiquitous. When he couldn't find the treat back in the U.S., he decided to create his own.

A 2.8-ounce bar of milk or dark Bubble Chocolate retails for about $3. The bars are made in Belarus, using a high-quality European cocoa. Since launching in October, Pruett has been able to get Bubble Chocolate onto the shelves of more than 1,000 retailers -- mostly independent stores, but also a few large chains like Whole Foods. So far, he hasn't done much marketing except for some in-store demonstrations. How can Pruett persuade Americans to pay a premium for chocolate pumped full of air? We asked four entrepreneurs to weigh in.

Pitch No. 1: Get Tweeting

Gary Vaynerchuk, founder of, a wine review site based in Springfield, New Jersey
Pruett should have an employee or intern devoted to social media. Instead of posting press releases on Facebook and Twitter, tell the Bubble Chocolate story. Search for people talking about chocolate on Twitter. Interact with them and tell them about Bubble Chocolate. Anytime someone discusses the brand on Twitter, someone from Bubble Chocolate should respond. It's a huge opportunity to engage customers and create word of mouth, which will translate into sales.

Pitch No. 2: Host Tasting Parties