The reasons behind a company's hockey-stick growth can be varied, of course. One company's software or consumer product can land at the exact perfect moment when consumers want it most (Zoom, Peloton ... ahem). Other companies may succeed because they're doing something that's been done but they're doing it with far more efficiency and verve than their predecessors. Still other companies can thank good old-fashioned gumption.

No matter the reasons, a few things remain constant across all fast-growth companies: They go where no one else will. They get comfortable being uncomfortable. They take the risks no one else wants to take. Here, 17 of this year's fastest-growing private companies across seven regions describe just one reason why they've managed to come out on top:

1. Don't be a hero.

"Early on, I thought the answer to solving problems was to work through them--just keep working, 24/7. It took time to learn that working hard is only part of the equation. Yes, you often need to wear 10 different hats, but you also need to find the right talent. I now believe that's the most important piece of growing a business. You need a great team to make great things happen."
--Brixton Albert, founder and CEO of Performance Golf (No. 4 Southeast), an online golf trainer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

2. Take risks.

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